High doses of the acid in its oral form have been shown in studies to cause birth defects and various pregnancy complications. 这种酸的高剂量口服形式在研究中显示会引起生育缺陷和各种孕期问题。
Thus, the uses of literacy for argumentation – both in oral and written form – grew. 这些都使利用文字进行的既有口头也有书面形式的辩论愈加频繁。
The oral form of Putonghua ( Chinese common speech) refers to discourse form which is used for expression and understanding with oral style as the main part. 普通话的口语形式是指使用普通话时所形成的,用于表达和理解的,以口头语体风格为主的话语样式。
They think tests are usually done on paper or in oral form instead of being done in practice. 他们认为考试通常是以书面或口头形式进行而不是以实践的形式。
Moreover, we must also relate thinking to knowledge and information ( what we think about), and the processes of communicating our ideas, either in written or oral form. 此外,无论是书面还是口头表达,我们都需要将思考同知识和信息(我们所考虑的东西),还有表达思想的过程联系起来。
Profound command of English language skills in oral and written form. Sound communication and presentation skills. 英语听说读写流利,良好的沟通和演示技巧。
Generally speaking, then, folklore may be defined as those materials in culture that circulate traditionally among members of any group in different versions, whether in oral form or by means of customary example. 因此归纳起来说,民俗的定义即:历来以口头或习俗的形式流传于任何一个群体中的文化素材。
, then analyzes the evolution of proverbs from their origin as a popular oral form, later incorporated into written literature in fiction and essays. 分析了谚语如何从开始的大众口头形式而后与书面小说和散文相结合的演进过程。
The ways of the informing procedure can be in oral or written form, through health education, consultation, or individual discussion and direction. 采用的告知方式有口头告知、书面告知、健康教育、咨询与答疑、个体化讨论与指导。
The insurer is not only limited to the oral or written form of the explanation of the contract terms of the insurance, but overall and extensive. 保险人对保险合同条款的说明不限于口头或书面的形式,但应当是全面和广泛的。
Overview of in vitro release testing of sustained or controlled-release oral dosage form 口服缓/控释制剂的体外释放度试验概述
Floating drug delivery system ( FDDS) is one of the approaches to increase the retention time of an oral dosage form in the stomach. 胃内漂浮制剂,亦称漂浮药物输送系统,是延长药物胃内滞留时间的一种制剂。
Improvement in dissolution of solid oral dosage form 改善口服固体制剂溶出度的方法
Simple and popular, concise and pithy, they will pass on for generations in the readable oral form and have gradually become a component indispensable to the dominant culture of that nation. 谚语简单通俗,精辟凝练,尤其以朗朗的口语形态承传沿用,渐渐成为该民族主流文化不可缺少的一部分。
OBJECTIVE To develop a novel rapidly release oral solid dosage form orally disintegrating tablet using acetaminophen as the model drug. 目的以对乙酰氨基酚(扑热息痛)为模型药物制备新型口服速释剂型口腔崩解片。
Oral form is convenient and thus preferred by the patients, which can greatly improve the quality of life of the patients. 口服是一种传统的给药方式,为病人所乐于接受,并能提高病人的生活质量。
Its injection and oral dosage form have been sold to treat arrhythmia. 现今,市场上已有苦参碱为原料的注射剂、口服剂等剂型治疗心律失常等疾病。
Oral form works as the main carrier in enigmatic language communications, as well as non-language form, whose constitute patterns vary widely. 隐语交际主要以口语为载体,同时,隐语还存在着非言语形式。
Interpreting is a kind of instant activity to transfer messages from one language to another, with all its source as well as target messages in oral form. 口译是一种即时性活动,是用口语的形式将一种语言所含的信息以另外一种语言表达出来。
Oral route of administration is the most convenient, common and preferred for clinical therapy and a lot of drugs has been prepared as oral dosage form. 口服给药是临床上最方便、最常用、病人顺应性最好的给药方式。
Some scholars think that the crime should include oral form of contract, but another do not think so. The author think that contract swindle should contains oral form. 理论界关于合同的形式存在争议,有学者认为该罪的合同形式应当包含口头形式,但也有相反观点,笔者认为应当包含口头形式。
Brain AVM occurred in the hemisphere, with its leading edge at the oral form ventricle. 脑AVM多发生在大脑半球,呈挈形其尖端指向脑室。
The indenture is a mutual check relationship that is signed on the condition of reaching agreement between two sides with written or oral form affected by law or regulations. 契约是在双方意愿一致的情况下以书面或口头的形式形成的一种有法律、法规等相互制约的关联关系。
Relationship of master and servant in the contract made the rules of the rights and obligations of parent-child relationship in virtual families in written or oral form, which has in reality been practiced. 契约中的主仆关系以书面或者口头的形式规定了虚拟亲子关系之间的权利和义务,这些规定在现实中得到了实践。
It believes that written form should be a principle while the oral form shall be an exception. 认为应以书面方式为原则,以口头方式为例外;第六方面,量刑建议的内容。
In the form of a probationary period should not be limited to written form, should have the option to recognize an oral form of the legal effect of the agreed probationary period. 试用期的形式不应仅局限于书面形式,应有选择地承认口头形式约定试用期的法律效力。
The former makes the literature with original features of the oral form and private property. The latter with the popularity of printed books make the literature of a possibility being read. 前者使文学具有原初的口头形式与民间特性;后者在印刷书籍普及的情况下,使文学具有了一种被阅读的可能性。
The Daoist communication medium possesses two kinds of manifestations: oral linguistic form and the written language form. 道教的语言传播媒介有两种表现形式,即声音语言形式和书面语言形式。